Running multiple BANS sites?

Niche Store Writer for BANS (Build A Niche Store)

If you own and run several niche stores using the popular BANS (Build A Niche Store) software, then Niche Store Writer could make your life a lot easier!

If you have just one or two BANS stores and you like spend a lot of time working on them, this product may not be for you. However if you have dozens or even hundreds of BANS websites , then Niche Store Writer is going to make your life much simpler

The concept is simple; when you're trying to optimize your new BANS site for the search engines, you build unique, relevant content around your niche, optimized with keyword references etc, you know the score. Well if you just have a couple of BANS sites, thats no problem. But when we're talking about 10's to 100's of sites, the task can sometimes seem so unmanageable that nothing gets done.

Niche Store Writer could be the answer

Niche Store Writer was designed by a BANS user for BANS users. With Niche Store Writer you can make quick work of creating fresh new content for your BANS sites or other sites by doing quick keyword replacements in a template you design. .

One way to save you any time and effort is by creating general content templates in your Niche Store Writer then plug in some tags. For example if I have BANS sites for sports cards, and different sites for, say, baseball, hockey, and basketball. Once I've written the Niche Store Writer template, all I have to do is plug my keywords into the tags tab, click on the edition tab and I have new content! Copy from Niche Store Writer and paste into BANS, next set of keywords, copy/paste, next set of keywords, copy/paste... and I'm done!

Make your BANS building even easier with Niche Store Writer!

What niches work when the economy is down?

Now that the economy has taken a downturn, how do I find a profitable niche?
This is a question many of us are considering.
Well if you think about this, there are always users(consumer) needs no matter what the economic climate is.

Even in a downturn there are always people that:

1. Need a problem solved e.g how to I get rid of a virus on my computer.
2. Want a bargain, e.g how can I get it for less?
3. Want to make more money. How can make money online?
4 .Need information. How do I make a website?

Working At Home Tips

1 - Keep Work and Home Separate

Not keeping your work life separated from your home life is the first mistake almost every work-at-homer makes. Keeping interruptions to you your flow to a minimum is key to work-at-home success. Ideally, have a dedicated work area, even if you dont have a spare room to set aside for work, keep a corner, or an area anywhere in your home dedicated solely for your work; not only does it let others in your home family know when you’re working it helps get you into work mode when you have a work space, and when you leave it, to switch off when you’re done.

2 - Keep to a routine

Regular Hours are another key to success. 9 to 5 may not be for you, but make it a habit by defining regular hours, even if you spread them in segments over the day. A regular schedule helps you manage your time and it's habit forming. Mark out time for work, and just as importantly to take time out, for your loved one, and for leisure.

3 - Work at home is no vacation.

Ideally you are working at something you love so it doesn't feel like work at all. If you love what you do and what you do makes life better for others then the money will flow to you, but the key point here is that it's still work, if you stop contributing the flow stops. If you depend on the work you do at home to put food on your table, then you’d better take it seriously! Better to stay in your 9 to 5 job unless you're serious about the work at home life.

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